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Doug Newland

Outreach & Leadership Development Pastor

Doug Newland is originally from St. Louis, MO (Cardinals fan!), but came to Northside in 2008 after living in Florida for 15 years. He graduated from Milligan College with BS in Business Administration and Youth Ministry, but also attended Lincoln University, and Ozark Christian College. After college, Doug served as Youth Minister for 11 years, College/Young Adults Minister for 3 years, and now in Missions/Outreach for the last 20 years. He currently serves as Outreach Minister and the department leader of Outreach at Northside, and loves it. Doug met and married his sweetheart, Kerry, in Indiana, and they have grown daughters, Kaylee & Lindsey. While he loves adventure and travel, Doug’s greatest joy in Missions is to experience the life-changing impact that is made when believers go and allow God to use them to make a difference in the world.

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