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Residents must have a sense of calling to full-time ministry AND be 21 years of age or older. Non-Northside
applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or relevant experience in the area of their ministry pursuit.

Application Process

With the application, we’ll request a resumé, questionnaire, background check, and a brief video introduction. Prospective residents will interview via Zoom or in person with the mentoring staff of your ministry interest and with the Leadership Development Pastor. Applications must be submitted by 11pm May 1st and will be considered as they are submitted. We recommend you not delay, as your specialized ministry area may get filled. The residency starts Sun, June 15, 2025, and concludes Thur, May 14, 2026.

Apply Here

Still have questions?

That's ok! Our Leadership Development Pastor would love to talk with you.

Doug Newland

Outreach & Leadership Development Pastor